(Andy Hummel, Jody Stephens, Alex Chilton--at the Peabody Hotel, Memphis; photo courtesy of Eggleston Trust)
ALEX AND BOB / Bruce Eaton
One night a few days after Alex passed away, I was sort of adrift for a book to read (nightly ritual – a half hour of reading before turning out the light), and pulled out the Jonathon Cott compilation of Bob Dylan interviews. A lot of the interviewers noted that although Bob had the reputation as being quite the difficult interviewee, if you asked him about subjects that he felt like talking about, he was quite the opposite. That’s pretty much the way it was with Alex and it reminded me of some notes I had buried away for a possible sidebar in my book that I had shelved early on: an imaginary scenario in which Bob Dylan ended up with Alex Chilton’s career path. I haven’t changed it much other than a little editing, and I’m not really sure why the idea hit me in the first place. But it was fun to put together (readers…feel free to add your own twists--it’s good fodder for a barroom conversation), and underneath it all I knew there was a point: that Bob and Alex were a lot a like in some ways--only the circumstances of how their careers unfolded were different. If Bob’s monumental records in the mid-60’s had bombed, he might have easily followed the Chilton trail . . .